
  • Marc Lewis is a bigot

    So this guy I was following on instagram cause he had some funny videos about mass, and cities in MA, and food places, etc. Unfortunately, this guy has now done 2 bigoted videos that I know about. One was a couple weeks ago, about the migrants sleeping at Logan Airport. He called them illegals(they’re not),…

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  • Twitter supports Bigotry

    These are screenshots from Twitter, the customer support responses look so fucking ridiculous.

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  • Just as with racists, homophobes, and other bigots, Twitter is littered with accounts that voice anti-trans propaganda. I encounter them from time to time, whenever JK Rowling makes another pro-TERF tweet, or if a celebrity posts something in support of trans people. The comments are riddled with “Trans women are men” and it’s variations, as…

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