Category Archives: Political


I seriously believe if the democrats nominate biden for president, then we will very likely have another 4 yrs of a child raping demented piece of crap with a spray tan. Democrats have learned NOTHING from the 2016 election and it’s just really disheartening. What’s the point of any of this if shit just keeps repeating.

I support Bernie Sanders

I got a text asking me to help out with canvasing in NH before the nh primary for Sanders, as a member of the tyt army. So my friend and I drove up to Concord, I was very tired from have worked all night prior. But a large can of red bull helped me out. So we did that and it felt good to help out. We canvassed bow, nh.

So then the Sanders campaign hq in Massachusetts opened and we showed up for the opening and volunteered again. So it’ll be interesting to see how it goes. There’s canvassing all over ma.

This feels good and I think Bernie Sanders is right that it’s “Not me. Us” cause this movement isnt about the guy running, it’s about all of us who want to change the system and have govt work for the people and not just the rich and corporations.


This is great news!


The longtime internet knitting community Ravelry updated its content policy this week to ban support of President Donald Trump from the platform. The new policy holds that support for Trump is support for white supremacy, which is not conducive to positive community-building.
Ravelry’s announcement of the policy change, made on Twitter on June 23, was short and to the point, noting, “We cannot provide a space that is inclusive of all and also allow support for open white supremacy.”

I will be signing up to this site after they reopen registration!