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La Familia
Lararium The Lararium (pl. lararia) is the focal point of the sacra privata, the family-centered aspect of the cultus deorum. It is the sacred place of the home where offerings and prayers are made to the gods. Possession of a lararium is a distinctive, almost necessary, feature of the Roman home, ancient or modern. “The most sacred, the most hallowed place on earth is the home of each and every citizen. There are his sacred hearth and his household gods, there the very center of his worship, religion, and domestic ritual”. (Cicero, De Domo Sua 41, 109) A lararium, properly speaking, is a shrine for the Lares. There is scholarly debate about the origin of the Lares, but what is certain is that the Lares and the lararium played a central role in the life of the Roman family. In addition to the Lares, the lararium was the site of worship of the Penates and the Genius of the paterfamilias. Evidence from Pompeii shows that these could be joined by whatever deities a family chose to add to those protecting the household. Variety of Forms The forms of lararium varied greatly. Rich homes might have a huge affair of carved…
Roman Virtues
Private Virtues: Auctoritas “Spiritual Authority” The sense of one’s social standing, built up through experience, Pietas, and Industria. Comitas “Humour” Ease of manner, courtesy, openness, and friendliness. Clementia “Mercy” Mildness and gentleness. Dignitas “Dignity” A sense of self-worth, personal pride. Firmitas “Tenacity” Strength of mind, the ability to stick to one’s purpose. Frugalitas “Frugalness” Economy and simplicity of style, without being miserly. Gravitas “Gravity” A sense of the importance of the matter at hand, responsibility and earnestness. Honestas “Respectibility” The image that one presents as a respectable member of society. Humanitas “Humanity” Refinement, civilization, learning, and being cultured. Industria “Industriousness” Hard work. Pietas “Dutifulness” More than religious piety; a respect for the natural order socially, politically, and religiously. Includes the ideas of patriotism and devotion to others. Prudentia “Prudence” Foresight, wisdom, and personal discretion. Salubritas “Wholesomeness” Health and cleanliness. Severitas “Sternness” Gravity, self-control. Veritas “Truthfulness” Honesty in dealing with others. Public Virtues Abundantia “Abundance, Plenty” The ideal of there being enough food and prosperity for all segments of society. Aequitas “Equity” Fair dealing both within government and among the people. Bonus Eventus “Good fortune” Rememberance of important positive events. Clementia “Clemency” Mercy, shown to other nations. Concordia “Concord” Harmony among…
Nine Great Thews
In the Fyrnsidu practiced by the Fellowship, we currently recognize 9 Great Thews. These are the ethical bedrock upon which our fellowship is built. Other organizations have presented these tenets somewhat differently, some teach a greater number, some less, but most will adhere fairly closely to what is written here. Árfæstness (Honor) Honor, the first of the great thews of Fyrnsidu, means to treat others with the dignity they deserve, and demand the same for oneself. To live with honor is to place value in oneself, and one’s fellows. To trespass upon the rights or persons of others, or to stand meekly by while others trespass upon you or yours, is to dishonor oneself. To earn honor one must give it to others freely, showing respect where respect is due, and scorn where scorn is appropriate. One should respect the life, limb, and property of those who are not enemies, and uphold the rights of others, who cannot uphold their own. Æfæstnes (Piety) In Fyrnsidu, piety means showing due reverence to the Gods and Goddesses, and observing the holy tides. While ours is not a dogmatic faith, a certain minimal demonstration of devotion is expected of those who follow our…
Sevenfold Goal
Essay on Sevenold Goal
Freoð Freoð also known as frith. When I hear or read this word, I think of that which causes peace, stability, and security. It’s a way of expressing amity, free from ill-will or disturbance. Perhaps our ancestors way of saying “no harm, no foul”. I would consider it a freedom from worry, and the status of amicable kinship. We sometimes sign off our letters and e-mails with “In Frith”, which would indicate to the readers that no offenses are meant in the content of the message. Frith however, does not guarantee no “fighting”, just that if such an incident occurrs it would be resolved in a manner that propagates peaceful and fair solutions, to maintain the frith. This concept gives us a separation between the heathen communities and other pagan communities. In most heathen groups(such as mailing lists, forums, etc) it is proper, just, and right to maintain the frith; it is expected. In-fighting and drama are rampant in other pagan communities because they have not espoused the frith concept. It is a very important value to have, to keep a group together, free from strife and flames. With frith, the waters are calm, the breeze is comfortable, and the…
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The Bucci
May 18, 2013
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